A blockage of ear-wax will usually happen quite suddenly and can significantly reduce your hearing: making you feel like you are underwater.
Ear-wax (cerumen) is produced by special glands situated in the ear canal. Although we might consider it unappetizing, it is an important part of the “self-cleaning” mechanism of the outer ear and protects our ears from bacteria which could cause ear infections. Ear-wax builds up very gradually and will not normally cause many issues until the ear canal becomes fully blocked.
Wax expands and contracts depending on how warm and moist it is, so a common first sign of this building up is the ear remaining blocked for a while after it has become wet. The wax will swell up when wet and block the ear, but shrink down and unblock again as it dries. Other typical signs are tickling or itching in the ear, or hearing squelching sounds, pops or crackles.
If your ear feels blocked do not attempt to remove the wax yourself! If you use of a cotton bud or similar object this may cause injury and can push the wax further into the ear canal.
Doctors and nurses in the past have removed wax by syringing ears with water but this is generally now viewed as outdated and not particularly good for your ears. At Hear Again we use the latest micro-suction techniques which gently and painlessly vacuums the wax and debris away.
Wax generally hardens over time, so if a blockage has been there for a long time, it can be too hard and impacted to be removed in one session. This may require the use of wax softening drops and a follow-up appointment.
If you are unsure whether you need an appointment or not, feel free to drop into our clinics: our lovely staff will be able to quickly check your ears at no cost. Our purpose made clinic on the upper floor of the Coast Plaza (directly opposite the top of the escalators) is open from Monday to Saturday for Wax removal appointments.
Wax Removal Appointment = $60
Wax Removal Follow-up = $50
Call the clinic on 09 4246035, email info@hearagain.co.nz,or drop into the clinic to book your appointment.